
This is more or less a personal blog providing various apologetic defenses for the Christian faith as well as Bible studies, teaching helps, and statements addressing other issues in the Christian world.

It is meant to be an aid for those teaching in the local churches, those wishing to better understand God’s Word through personal study, and for those seeking to share the gospel with the “hard ones,” the people who are difficult to share with, always remembering that these are people for whom Christ died.

The information herein stems from decades of informal study in Christian apologetics and from teaching the Bible for almost forty years.

Much of the drive I had to learn the basic doctrines comes from sharing with Jehovah’s Witnesses, so you will often see defenses for particular doctrines against Jehovah’s Witness arguments.

This blog has several purposes:

  • To help you in your daily witness by giving you reasons to believe and defend your faith (Search Term: “Apologetics”)
  • To share the basic doctrines of the Christian faith and explain them (Search Term: “Basic Doctrines”)
  • To give you a greater knowledge of God’s Word. (Search Term: “Bible Studies”)
  • To teach you how to study the Bible for yourself (Search Term: “Bible Study Methods”)
  • And, to provide lesson plans for teachers who are hard pressed for preparation time or need another eye on a particular passage.  (Search Term: “Lesson Plans”)
  • All in all, to strengthen your faith in our Lord Jesus and His Word.

These topics are arranged in pages which can be found by using the search engine on the home page and entering the search terms listed above.

Please be patient with me.  This is my first and only blog, and as with all blogs, it will never quite be finished.

The topics above will be listed and continue to be developed on pages outside the home page.  Just search for them.  The home page will be used for updates, thoughts, and opinions on Christian matters.


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