
The following is an example of how to do a word study on “Longsuffering”  This is a study of a particular Greek word, “makrothumia.”  The process for finding this information is in the main “Word Study” page.

Word Study


Passages where the word appeas:

Longsuffering (“makrothumia” Strongs #3115):  Rom. 2:4, 9:22-4; 2 Cor. 6:6; Gal. 5:22; Eph. 4:1&2; Col. 1:11, 3:12; 1 Tim. 1:16; 2 Tim. 3:10, 4:2; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 3:9, 3:15.  Translated as “patience” in Heb. 6:12 and James 5:10.

Definition:  Self-restraint, tolerance.  To hold back for a long time even though you are capable of acting.  “The quality of a person who is able to avenge himself yet refrains from doing so.”  The Complete Word Study Dictionary by Spiros Zodhiates

This is not the same word translated “patience” as in Rev. 1:9, (“hypomone,” Strongs #5281) which means to persevere or to bear up under something.

Relevant Passages and Notes on Those Passages:

Rom. 2:4 — God is longsuffering in His goodness.

Rom. 9:22 — Maybe God suffers the evildoers for a long time to show the riches of His glory on us, His children.

2 Cor. 6:6 — We, too, are to possess and display longsuffering.

Gal. 5:22 — Longsuffering is one of the fruit of the Spirit.  The context seems to relate our longsuffering to how we treat those in the body.

Eph. 4:1-2 — Longsuffering is to be part of our Christian walk.  This also seems to relate to how we treat others in the body.

Col. 1:11 — Paul Prayed for the Colossians and for us to be longsuffering with joy.  This also is linked to how we treat others in the body.

Col. 3:12 — Longsuffering is a trait of God’s elect.  This relates directly to one another in the body.

1 Tim. 1:16 — God’s pattern in saving Paul shows His tolerance/longsuffering for anyone.  You cannot look at Paul and see who he is but think, “God can’t save me.”

2 Tim. 3:10-12 — Persecution should be faced with longsuffering just as Paul modeled for us.

2 Tim. 4:2 — Pastors should be longsuffering with the problems which arise in the congregation.  The congregation is apt to follow false teachers as it is.  Don’t drive them away.

1 Pet. 3:20 — God was longsuffering with man even when Noah was building the ark and judgment was imminent.  God gave them 120 additional years while the ark was being built to repent.

2 Pet. 3:9 — It is not the case that Christ is not going to return but that God is longsuffering with the lost (same idea as 1 Pet. 3:20).

2 Pet. 3:15 — Same idea as 3:9 — Christ is waiting to return so more might come to him.

Same Greek word but translated as “patience:”

Heb. 6:12 — We should imitate those who, through Faith and patience (longsuffering) were or are consistent in their work for our Lord.

James 5:10 — Be patient with one another in the body – Look to the prophets as examples of longsuffering.


God may well be longsuffering in His goodness to show His riches and glory in the lost who are being saved.  Just look at Paul as an example:  He was a murderer and a blasphemer, yet God uses him to show us how longsuffering He is toward the sinner.

As Christians, we are to be joyfully longsuffering toward others in the body of Christ.  It is one of the fruit of the spirit, part of the Christian walk, and identifies God’s elect. Persecution should be faced with faith and longsuffering.  We should follow the examples of those who faced death and torture but faced it with faith and longsuffering.  These and the prophets of old are our examples for how we should act.

Pastors should be longsuffering with their congregants lest they drive them into the arms of false teachers.