Witnessing Method?

I drive my wife nuts at times when we stand in a line, like at the bank, and I strike up a conversation with the stranger standing next to us.  By the time we reach the window, I often know where the person grew up, how many kids and grandkids they have, plus a whole lot of other infomation, and they know the same about me.

How do I get so much information?  I ask questions and listen to the answers while looking as non-threatening as possible.  It almost always works, but there are times the person doesn’t want to share or doesn’t trust the strange man asking all the questions.

I follow the same process when I witness.  Let me give you an example.  I like to talk with Jehovah’s Witnesses, and when I meet them on the street or at my door, I’ll usually ask them something like, “I understand you believe Jesus was raised from the dead as a spirit creature.  Is that right?”  When I do this, they are more than happy to tell me all about how they believe Jesus was the angel Michael, how He became a good man, and how after His death became the Archangel Michael.

Let me tell you what I’ve done with my question.  First, I’ve directed the conversation to a topic they have very little support for and I have studied extensively.  Secondly, they don’t know what I believe yet, so they don’t usually feel threatened.  And thirdly, I’ve made them think.  This is key when talking with cultists in particular or with talking to most people, for that matter.

As the conversation with my JW friend progresses, I continue to ask questions about what they’ve just said to make them think about it and point out passages in the Bible which contradict their view.  “What do you do with John 2:18-22, then, where Jesus predicted He would raise His own body from the dead?”  Or I might point to Luke 24:38-39 and ask, “Was Jesus deceiving His disciples, then, in Luke where He said specifically that He was not a spirit and showed them His body with wounds in His hands and feet, and asked the disciples to touch Him, feel Him?”  Don’t be a jerk, though.  This is supposed to be done in love and with respect (1 Peter 3:15).

By this time, the typical JW will be on to me but the discussion has started.  She still has to struggle with the biblical text that refutes what the Watchtower organization has taught them.  I neve expect so see them drop to their knees, repent, and ask Jesus into their lives.  Our job is to plant and water.  It’s God Who brings forth the increase.

I first learned this method from the late Dr. Walter Martin, and Greg Koukl at Stand to Reason has since perfected it.  He calls it the “Colombo Method.”

This works with just about anyone, though, not just cultists.  “Why do you believe that?” is often a good opening question if someone says they support some atheistic or odd religious view.

So, next time you feel God is prompting you in a conversation, ask a question or two and see where He leads you.  You might just end up sharing the Gospel with someone who needs to hear it.


1 Peter 3:15 (ESV)
15  but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

Dr Walter R Martin  http://www.waltermartin.com/

Greg Koukl, Stand to Reason:  https://www.str.org/